Monday, September 3, 2007

Ok I'm here ?

Because of some heavy encouragement from some very persuading old and new friends that I met on my trip to Carmel, Ca I have joined my first blog. It's not often in life that you meet people who's hospitality make's you feel so good to be around them that it's almost like you've known them for years. But I had such luck this weekend with John and Will Wilson. I know that I said thanks for a great time more than once but I really want you guy's to know just how much I appreciated everything. If you guy's were described as a section in an aircraft it could only be classified as first class. Thanks. ............and Thank you Paul for having such good taste in cool friends. No time to edit any of the images posted I will repost later when time is on my side. Time for bed now. later


Monterey John said...

Welcome aboard Richard!

WJWilson said...

Excellent, glad you made the leap. Looking forward to checking out those shots!

Paul said...

Now, that's what I'm talking about! Welcome aboard, Richard!!!