Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Don't take life for granted

Yesterday I heard of the death of a co-worker that seemed to be a very nice guy in pretty good health and only 35 years old. He had a heart attack at work and died at the hospital within hours. It really made me think about the way most of us probably look at life as we go day to day complaining about our job, relationships or any other negatives in our life. Sometimes we can't wait for the work day or the week be over, rushing our lives even closer to the end. I think we tend to start to focus so much on the negatives in our life that we take a lot of the positive things for granted. Each day we are given is truly a gift and should be treated as such because you don't know when your ability to open those gifts will be taken away. So today I thought it would be fitting to post some flowers to share with all of my friends and family while they can still enjoy them. Flowers at a funeral are simply an expression of sympathy from people who cared about an individual but did not have time to share them with the individual when they could enjoy them. In this life it is really all about the little things you say and do to the people around you that you care about that makes all the difference in the world. I would like to take a moment and tell my wife thank you so much for all that you do for me and our family. I knew 20 years ago when I met you it was truly the day that God smiled on me, you are truly a blessing that I'm thankful for everyday. I would encourage all my friends to take a minute and think about those around you that you care about and think of the last time you told them you appreciated and loved them? The title of this post speaks for itself.

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