Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Although the flags in my picture are not flying at half mask I think this photo illustrates the feeling and the mood that we all may have in our hearts today. When you reflect upon the tragedy that happened 6 years ago it doesn't seem to have as great an effect upon you as years past. But if I take just a moment to place myself in the shoes of a person that lost someone that day it would seem the pain in my heart would never die but only diminish until that yearly reminder comes around again. So I thought this photo and a moment of silence would be fitting on such a sad day that should never be forgotten. I think for those of us that did not lose a family member or friend it would be a good day to pick up the phone and let someone know just how much you love them today.


WJWilson said...


Anonymous said...

A very nice shot, Richard; however, I would have to disagree about the pain aspect of this day. Pain, or more to the point, suffering, can only be maintained by the individual. Rather, by the thoughts of the individual.

The event happened once and it is over, nothing but a distant memory. We often, as humans, keep reliving these memories and refuse to accept the reality of it, saying things like: "It should not have happened". Well, the reality of it is, it did. When you argue with reality, you lose 100% of the time.

No one can forget, all you need do is walk through and airport. I'm constantly reminded each day as I come to work, there are guards stationed at every loading dock in the city with mirrors on sticks looking under trucks for bombs.

I choose not to relive it. I don't see what good it could do.

As I was at lunch today, I saw crowds of people outside enjoying the weather, laughing, joking, going on with life ...

Monterey John said...

I agree with you Richard.

Paul's remarks, well, he is entitled to them.